12 Months Of Giving: Serenity's Steps

HotMovies has announced the launch of a 12-month program of charitable donations which we’re calling “12 Months of Giving.” Each month for 2018 we will select a different charity to receive a donation, the amount of which will be based on a percentage of gross sales for that month.

We will continue our 12 Months of Giving by donating a percentage of May’s sales to Serenity’s Steps, a Christian-based charity that believes all humans are valuable regardless of who they are and what they do. Their goal is to provide life resources, including GED tutoring and community outreach, to sex workers and those who are sexually exploited in the United States. Sex work and religious faith aren’t two things we’re used to seeing paired up, so it’s nice to see an organization using Christianity as a tool to unite people instead of separate and judge them. This union is what sets Serenity’s Steps apart from many others, and we’re happy we’re able to help the cause!

The remainder of charity selections have not been finalized, and we want to remain open to suggestions from subscribers and the public. Those with suggestions for a charity we should consider may send an email to suggestions@hotmovies.com.

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