12 Months of Giving: Free Speech Coalition

HotMovies has announced the launch of a 12-month program of charitable donations which we’re calling “12 Months of Giving.” Each month in 2018, we will select a different charity to receive a donation, the amount of which will be based on a percentage of gross sales for that month.

free speech coalition

We will continue our 12 Months of Giving by donating a percentage of September’s sales to The Free Speech Coalition. With our First Amendment rights currently (and constantly) up for debate, we at HotMovies felt this the perfect time to show our support and help the FSC in their mission to protect and promote the growth of workers in the adult industry and their communities. With an outstanding reputation and members at most of the major adult entertainment companies, the FSC is well-informed and ready to stand up for what we all want: equal rights and protections under the law for all workers in the adult entertainment field. They’re known for quick action within the industry and with their vast network of groups and coalitions, everyone has a voice.

The remainder of the charity selections have not been finalized, and we want to remain open to suggestions from subscribers and the public. Those with suggestions for a charity we should consider may send an email to suggestions@hotmovies.com.

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