May is National Masturbation month, but here at HotMovies every month is masturbation month, and we hope we’re helping you to do your part to celebrate! Pornbusters wants to jubilate by taking a closer look at some interesting claims about masturbation that occasionally circulate on social media. We all know the popular debunked bullshit myths: hairy knuckles, blindness, and ruined erections, There’s a certain chorus who posit that storing stockpiles of your dirty man-seed will turn you into a sexual dynamo with super sperm. Abstain from masturbation for a few months, and by golly, your spermatozoa can get your partner pregnant not just once or twice, but thrice with your super erection! So does abstaining from masturbating and pornography give you sexual superpowers?
Okay, you’ve stopped jerking off for months now, so is your genetic material ready to snap that puny snatch like Superman’s hands around Zod’s neck? Claims that ejaculating too much impact sperm potency make the rounds every few months or so. Actually, recent studies suggest the opposite: that daily stroking could improve the quality of sperm, “by keeping the male reproductive system moving and shaking while increasing the quality of sperm produced.”
So, no abstaining from masturbation will NOT give you swimmers like Henry Cavill. According to a leading fertility expert, Dr Larisa Corda, “Older sperm are also cleaned out and replaced with newer cells that are stronger.” Dr. Corda also says, “Frequent male masturbation isn’t likely to have much effect on fertility. Traditionally, data have shown that optimum semen quality occurs after two to three days of no ejaculation. But other research suggests that men who have normal sperm quality maintain normal sperm motility and concentrations even with daily ejaculation.”
So perhaps many of us aren’t masturbating enough?
But can holding in your special peanut powder raise your testosterone levels so that you turn into a sexual beast in the bedroom? Grrrr.
Not really… For one thing, masturbation does not deplete your body of testosterone and there is no hard evidence that abstaining from masturbating long-term improves sexual performance or vitality. Urologist Rena Malik, MD says, “Masturbating can actually cause testosterone levels to rise. Then, following orgasm, the testosterone simply goes back down to a normal level.”
So does abstaining from masturbating give you any noteworthy sexual superpowers?
Many of these so-called #NoFap benefits aren’t just overhyped, but false. One should keep in mind that proponents of keeping your hands off your junk also are often involved in other dubious movements, like anti-pornography crusades. These movements also believe that pornography addiction is prevalent, while most doctors don’t even agree that such a thing exists. But masturbating does have a myriad of health benefits, including improved sleep, reducing stress, and a healthier immune system. Why not read more about the benefits of masturbation and then come back to HotMovies to get to work on lauding this prestigious (and healthy!) month-long holiday.
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