Since the original Fresh Prince of Bel-Air has recently been re-imagined as a drama series, we decided to highlight the Official Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Parody, a re-imagination of the original series as a porn movie released by Black Ice back in 2010. The Fresh Prince tries to get along with his uptight cousin Hilary and his horny—but socially inept—cousin Carlton who is trying to get laid, while the Fresh Prince has no problem hitting everything he can in his new upscale Bel-Air neighborhood.
This laugh-out-loud adult film has been shot in a similar sitcom fashion showcasing all of the fan favorites from the long-running show. This film distinctively catches the essence of the sitcom presenting two “episodes” of the show, taking one concept from the actual show and another episode from the creative wit of director DaWayne Dane himself.
Full Cast
CJ Wright,
Dewayne Dane,
Misty Stone,
Imani Rose,
Ethan Hunt,
Melrosse Foxx,
Sinnamon Love,
Natasha Dulce,
Frederick Way, and
Candice Nicole