April Olsen Tells Her Story

If there is one thing a critic knows, it is what makes a film sell. I had a very wonderful writer at AVN tell me almost eight months ago that I had to meet this amazing new starlet: April Olsen from Las Vegas. In most instances, I will sit down with my girl, and she will tell me what she thinks of the performer whose work has been placed on my desk by a friend or editor. In this instance, my girl went bananas. Dating a porn star has many perks, the biggest for an industry writer is an insight into a production that others do not have. As I looked to discover who April Olsen is, and if she is the real deal, my girl’s approval was an insightful tip. That leads us to YA! Young Anal 2, and the great director Pat Myne. See, for those of you who do not know, Pat is one of the true artists in the world of XXX—a director who looks to bring smiles on set and at home with his viewers, just as much as he looks to make a one-of-a-kind production. It was here that I saw April stand out among some of the heaviest hitters in the industry today. There are few people who can star in a film alongside Jane Wilde, Charlotte Sins, and Destiny Cruz and leave a lengthy impression. It was here that our story starts, and I began a two-month expedition to discover who April Olsen—2022 Best New Starlet nominee—really is.

April Olsen

DJD: You are in Los Angeles right now, if I am not mistaken? I love the “City of Angels!” First time I moved out there, I fell deeply in love.

AO: Where did you live when you lived in LA?

I used to live in The Valley. Also, on top of Sunset when I was really young. Back in those days, we were five idiots, all sharing rent in the same house, all with a goal to become writers. In LA, you can be broke as fuck—no matter where you live—but you will always be able to find money to party on the weekend.

Oh, my God! That is so true. When I first came into this business, I felt like I was a model just stumbling around, trying to figure out my place. I am really, really happy where I am at right now. I have also met the most amazing people along the way.

You are one of those people for me. I have a day job, and I have met so many people in so many walks of life. The most special ones are here, in porn!

I know, I know! It is a shame to me that the world looks and treats us all like we are castaways a bit. People think of us as being dirty, or immoral, but the truth is that most of us are just people who want something more out of life. That’s why more of them should do porn, right?

You fucking rock girl! Now, did I read this correctly? You’re a “Jersey Girl?”

Yes, I’m a “Jersey Girl.” I was raised with a military upbringing. I was always used to bouncing around quite a bit when I was young. But yes, I was born in New Jersey. From there, I went to Washington state, then Pennsylvania—and those were just my homes stateside. I’ve also lived in Japan, Germany, and even Egypt for a little bit. Then, from all those great, amazing travels at such a young age, I hopped on over to Missouri, where I lived for about 12 years. So, my life and the places I have lived, kind of crazy!

So you are a Jersey Girl and a Southern Belle. I don’t think I have ever met anyone like you.

Don’t forget, and I just got this one recently. I am a “Valley Girl!” I must admit, it’s this title that I’m in love with the most.

That’s the beauty of life. We are given the opportunity to travel to every place that we can on this earth, and absorb everything around us, if we choose to.

Yes, you have to! I’ve experienced many different cultures. Living in rural Missouri, not many people get to know what it is like to live that kind of small-town life. It wasn’t a bad place to grow up. It’s quiet, there is a lot of stuff in the woods…

Oh, my God! You and I are going to go on a million different tangents in this interview. That is what will make it such a great read. The bullet point in my notes that I have been dying to get to. I love that you love girl/girl porn.

I know! I am so into it too. Whenever I see girl/girl, I just get really excited. Whenever I get bookings that are girl/girl, I look forward to it so much. The women in this industry are so beautiful. They are so cool. They are so hot, and they are so nice. It’s always like a dream. Whenever I get to partake in those scenes, I always try to bring a little extra onto set. You know what I mean? Some directors let me indulge a little bit, but not every one of them does.

April Olsen

You know, I was looking at your page with one of my dear friends, who is a performer in the business. She and I were just marveling at your page, loving the fluidity of everything. So there are other porn stars out there who are, in return, loving what they see with you.

Yes, definitely. It shouldn’t just be women who are exploring their sexual fludity in today’s world. I think that men should be open to exploring some things with some other dudes. You know what I am saying?

Yes, yes! We are on the same fucking page homie. I think you and I have the same type of personality, one that people trust.

Yes, yes! One where people will just sit down and tell you shit, right?

Yes, and God bless those people. I love them for that. I have sat down with so many guys and it eventually comes out: “Dude, I think I like watching a dick get sucked!” My response, “Dude, who don’t?” Men, we are so reserved when it comes to that.

Yeah, I think that just comes from our society. They are to blame. So, it’s not men’s fault. Do you think that porn has a little bit of a responsibility to open people’s minds in that way?

I do. I really do. When I saw your page, and I saw some of the bisexual content you were producing, the first thing that popped into my head was, “Damn, this gal is making it cool to show your male bisexuality.” I guarantee you, there is someone who saw those clips, and grew fearless to ask one of their male friends, “Do you think that would be cool?” I shit you not, and yes, I think that is the most powerful responsibility the sex industry has.

The truth of society, no matter what the subject or cause, is people will not speak up unless there is a voice that is already leading the charge, who makes something okay for them to follow and let it out. I think that’s not just human nature, but the order to which all animals live in harmony and peace. What do you think, my dear?

Thanks Don, that is really sweet of you. Especially when you are someone who enjoys seeing that in others as well. I am a performer who is riding the big studio wave, and you are a person who knows what that means by that. I am so grateful to be with Mark Spiegler, and to have so many companies that want to work with me. But I am really grateful also when I have that down time to focus on the things that I want to do, that I want to create. I have the most fun when I’m creating bi-stuff, strap-on stuff, and my fans really see that. It’s amazing, there is just so much that you can do.

May I say, you have the perfect attitude, charisma, and passion to be the go-to performer that introduces strap-on porn to a whole new marketplace.


April Olsen

I believe such things April, because you have that sass, the allure, but then, you have the true-to-life charm and wit that will raise a person’s emotions and confidence in themselves. That is you April Olsen.

I feel that people just need a cheerleader, but also someone who is not afraid to coach them as well as cheer them on. I think there needs to be more people who tell them it’s okay to think that something is hot, and it’s fucking great that they are into it. It gives people permission to be into something that they’d never even thought about before.

I have beaten this saying like a dead horse within my time in the industry. I think that sexuality unlocks so much within the human spirit, and that is one of the things that makes porn such a good thing.

I think that sexuality is what rules the world. It totally does.

That is what I was going to say, it totally does. It is what people base their lives off of, whether they are willing to admit it or not. Civilians are always the first ones to say that only porn people think this way. When you feel a yearning to want to have children, to procreate, that is your sexuality knocking at the door. When you are intrigued in any way, by the opposite or the same sex, that is? You guessed it!

I can keep going on this. Looking for a significant other, a partner. Someone who completes you, it is the baseline of what sexuality is. Even with friendship. I think we should be talking about this way more than we are in this day and age. We should not have this fear.

That is it. It is that fear that is out there in this world. It is this bullshit belief that we are going to digress into the dark ages if we all of a sudden start to indulge in our sexuality and more primitive instincts, as civilians like to call it.

Yeah, I guess.

I think that is what makes your bisexual and trans porn so amazing. It’s not just so beautiful, it is so real and emotion-filled. I won’t tell my life story, because the HotMovies readers have read about it to death. But I have had experience as a sex worker, and I can tell when someone is working on film and when someone is also having fun. Your bisexual porn, I see you having the time of your life.

Yes, when I’m shooting it, I’m having so much fun. Let me tell you a story. I wish that I had been more of a slut when I was in college. I did get to have some fun doing group stuff, and I was discovering my love for bisexuality. When you are living in Missouri, you don’t even know the concept of what a bisexual male is. I know that I didn’t for a really long time. I had moments where I would kiss my friends when we were drunk at a bar, and things like that, but my own bisexuality was the only thing I had been exposed to. But then I moved to New York City. It was here that I went to my first sex party. This was not something that was totally new in my life, and it was a twenty-five dollar sex party. Had I known what I know now, I probably would have looked to find something a little more “higher-end,” but in the long run, I’m glad I went.

So, here I am, at this sex party, and I meet this man. I had been having fun on top of fun and he just decided to come up and talk to me. He was very feminine in the way that he presented himself. He had on the most gorgeous makeup, and he had these real feminine qualities that made him really attractive to me in so many ways. I really didn’t think that he was going to be into me. He had the guts to just come up, say hello, and ask to have sex with me. It was just so hot. I’d never experienced anything like it before. I felt that all the walls were coming down right then and there. It was just something that two humans should always look to experience. You know what I’m saying, Don Juan?

April Olsen

No, no, no, no, no. I feel you dude. The first thing I was going to say, as I rudely interrupted you. That is the literal euphoric tidal wave that sexuality is, and can be hitting you. Those are the stories that need to be told. Tell me that was not just the greatest feeling in the fucking world!

It was so amazing. I felt like I had changed after that moment in my life. I felt like I had found my people. I felt like I had finally discovered that there were people out there who see people as people, who saw me for who I was and am. The most wonderful thing was finding all of this energy inside of other people’s bodies. We like to place ourselves in categories, and place labels upon ourselves due to one choice we made in our life, just one. When it comes down to it, the thing we need to do is just see each other. That’s it, it is that simple to be seen. You know?

Yes, we are just human beings, plain and simple.

We are, and we all have the same kind of instincts, and we all want to fuck each other.

Damn straight dude! I know what you meant, being “Southern” ruled with the place that I went to college. Everyone around me had this blanket of either liberal or conservative bullshit keeping them from being who they are. That is where I saw sexuality being exposed and censored the most, and at the same time, with the same group of people.

It does break my heart, but at the same time, I am so glad that there are sex workers out there. There are so many people in this world who hide who they are for so very long. I think that is why sex workers are so special. They are just the most amazing people that I have ever met in my life. Amazing, amazing, amazing!

I feel the same way about sex workers. I do not know if you know this, but you seem like a very intelligent woman…

Well, I do have a Psychology degree.

Did you know that in the time of the Roman Empire, when soldiers were out conquering the world, when they got back home—so that they could learn to adjust back to “civilian” life and avoid PTSD—the army had them stay at the brothels for two months mandatory after a campaign? It was so that they could have love and intimacy put back into their hearts.

It makes so much sense. We are healers.

Oh, my God, we are having this much fun, and we have not even gotten into the first question. You are just such a kindred spirit, I had to ask this, being that your significant other is a DJ…

Oh my God, you really did your research. I love it!

I am a trained journalist, and even more so I am an old-school Boy Scout, and our motto is, “be prepared.” Our industry is just filled with the most amazing people, people whose stories are interesting and worth telling.

I think so too. I think we are this amazing group of weirdos, and I do not mind that at all! Is that not the best thing?

Oh, it is! It really is. Finding people who allow us to show our inner weirdo, then feel loved and safe enough to show theirs. Nothing is better. My question is, what does the lady of a DJ listen to?

Well, first thing, we are engaged. Now, when I began in the industry, I was telling the public we were married. It was strictly a safety thing, as I was new to the business, and I was shooting a lot of content. That’s how I found my way into the industry. I did my own thing and went the indie route, which, when you look at what that really is, it is just hitting up people on the internet and finding out if they want to have sex with you. I made strict boundaries for myself, that I am not going to be doing anything “extracurricular,” and I would just go home after every shoot to my husband. But I knew that we were going to be together forever. So, yeah, we are now engaged. But, to begin to answer your question. We met at a rave, and he is into techno. He is a techno DJ. Now, for my music, I really like female-led hip-hop. So I am really into City Girls.

Oh shit, like Eve?

Yes, Eve is amazing! She is a little bit old school, but I am very partial to it. I love Nicki Minaj, and music like that. Women like them, they just inspire me to go out into the world, with anything that I am doing, and just go for it! They are women who do the things that they want to do.

Oh shit, I was just talking about this at the day job. I think a lot of the female hip-hop artists, they put out shit that is far more gangsta than some of the fellas’ stuff.

Okay, you know who else is into this exact kind of music and people we are talking about, and I found it so surprising when I found out he did? John Paul The Pope, from Kink.com.

No fucking way!

Isn’t that cool and so funny? I told him, “I respect you even more now, and I guess we really have a connection now.”

That is so fucking awesome!

Yeah, it is. So, I dig hip-hop, but I am also sort of a country girl. On any particularly warm, sunny day, I will throw on some country.

April Olsen

My guess was that you would have been either a Beatles fan, or John Mayer.

I do like John Mayer. He has had some hits.

Dude, the best fucking concert I have ever been to is John Mayer. I was working for this guy in Seattle. Or, I should say that I was trying to work for this guy, and he took us to a John Mayer concert as a thank you. First thing I said, I won’t lie, “John Mayer, fuck him! This is gonna suck!” Then, we arrive at the arena, and he goes on to play the most epic three-hour set I have ever seen. It was amazing! I was a fanboy from there on out!

That is all it takes! Now, some more music that I love, have you ever heard of a band called Turnstile?

Oh, fuck yeah.

Well, they just happen to be some pals of mine. Well, especially with my fiance. He edited their TLC video.

That is so fucking gangster!

Isn’t that fucking sick? There was this one incredible night where we all went to this massive rave, and we just danced the night away. From then on, I too was a fan for life. So, I feel ya! They are just so good, because they are so different.

I love that you are so intertwined with music. I come from a family full of musicians, and over the years, I have discovered that music, artistry, writing, acting, performing, sex, sexuality: it is all part of the same type of intellect. At least that is my opinion. So that is what makes it so cool that you are into all this type of music.

Oh yeah. Music is something that feeds a person’s different mindset.

Fucking poetry darlin’, and I almost forgot. When you see Austin King next, please, give him a big hug and kiss for me. He is the one that many moons ago told me how fucking rad you are. He told me, “You have no idea how amazing she is.” Austin was right, I did not. You are beyond amazing my dear.

Austin is just so amazing to everybody.

April Olsen

I think that you are a spark in this business. When Austin told me to look at your work, I saw what you did with Pat Myne. Pat said that you were just the best person to work with for his style of production. Everyone who has you walk onto their set, room, or article, they just fall head-over-heels. I see it one-hundred percent.

I loved working with Pat Myne. I am really, really flattered. I love Pat, he is just so one-of-a-kind. He is just a good guy. He is the type of person that doesn’t let anything get him down. That is what makes working with him so great, and I just love the guy! It says something when you get that on set, but it is something even better with him, because he actually does great work.

Yes, I agree. He always has been too. April, I am a hopeless romantic. That is why I had to ask you the question about your fiance. But, also, being romantic can refer to friendships.

Yeah, it sure can.

I think that is what is so cool to watch you be this very supportive force in so many people’s careers. I love seeing that on your Twitter page.

I really do just kind of fall in love with everyone a little bit. I have one friend who is just beyond amazing. Do you know who Anna Claire Clouds is?

Yes, I do.

She and I, we started around the same time. I feel at times that I have to stop talking about it with everyone that I meet. It’s so nice to find someone in the industry that you just click with, someone that you can just kick back and talk with. She is someone in this industry who just gets it.

I really dig Anna Claire Clouds. She is someone who is just a sweetie beyond words. So, are you ready for the funniest story ever with Anna Claire?

I can’t wait!

So, when I first met her, she was signing at the Tremor booth during eXXXotica Denver a few years ago. My girl, she was the model that we hired to pose with all the other performers, and make the pictures from the event that much more sexy. When we got to that booth, Anna and my boo, they just hit it off. We all went off to start a little puff-puff-give, and I found out, she is just the kindest soul. So genuine and sweet. She is this earthly spirit.

She is real! She is totally real. She has been upon this earth before. Now she has come back to bless us all with her sexy-ass body. You know what I am saying. So, I have a funny story with Anna as well.

Oh, yes, please, do tell!

So, I think that this story takes place during my first Mike Adriano shoot. I have to thank the man so much for helping me to get to where I am now. When I was still self-booking, he was the first legit producer to get me work. He was also so helpful in me moving to LA. So, this is Mike Adriano we are talking about, and this was one of my first anal shoots. Anal, it’s something you learn in this business as you go along. That day, things got quite messy, to be honest. Things usually are always messy your first time, I later found out from others. That day, Anna was not doing anal, and she was simply the blowjob queen at that time. The shoot took such a long time, because I had to keep going back and forth to get cleaned up. It took a little over five hours. Anna, she was so amazing. She never once made me feel embarrassed, she was just so sweet. She says, “Oh, today is going to be an easy day. All I am doing is giving a blowjob, you are the one who is talking it up the ass.” All while I was basically shitting on the floor. That is a bond that can never be broken.

Damn, that is such an amazing story. I mean how many fans know what it really takes to make an anal scene? I will be the first to state, I hate anal, and so many fans love it. I don’t get it, not even at a taboo level. This story, it is compassionate, it is real. That is what truly makes this business what it is. Thank you for sharing such a story my dear. Anna Claire Clouds, she is someone you just never meet in the world. That is how rare, and beautiful she is.

Yeah, she is just this all-around good person.

April Olsen & Anna Claire Clouds

Oh, what a joy this is going to be. To see your career rise and grow. You both are my picks for Best New Starlet this year. It is either going to be one of you two ladies, or Blake Blossom. I think you both hold the edge, because of your amazing characters. I mean that.

I would take that. I would be so happy either way.

I cannot think of two women who deserve it more than the both of you ladies. I am not a negative person. I try to always see the glass half-full. I see you both, and I see women who are letting passion, love, and happiness guide them—not the money or super-stardom. You both are a shot of B-12 in the arm of this industry.

You are just so great Don.

I have begun a project where I am showcasing sex workers to the world in ways that they do not know exist. When I came up with the concept, it was people like you and Anna Claire who came to mind.

Well, now it makes so much sense as to how we hit it off.

So, this leads us into our fan questions. It is one that I am dying to know as well. Did you watch porn before you became a porn star?

Yes! Although I didn’t masturbate until very recently, I watched porn as soon as there were internet capabilities on the iPod. That led me to fully discover computers, PornHub… and it was almost always full-on lesbian strap-on porn.

Oh, my God! So, does this mean that you are going to be working with the great Sinn Sage? Sorry to interrupt you, but this is an idea too goddamn big to contain, or even keep quiet for two seconds.

We have not had a chance to talk to one another. She is in Vegas, I am in LA. So there is a bit of a geographical barrier.

Okay, so I will tell you this. One of my ex-girlfriends, she shot with the great Sinn Sage for Mile High Media. She told me that the greatest sexual encounter she had ever had with a woman.

Wow, even in her personal life? That is amazing. You can tell by the energy that she displays on-screen. She is a dominant presence, someone who will definitely show you a pretty good time.

I have to ask what you think about Sinn Sage—the boobs, the booty, the strap-on, the fact that she brings a mixture of masculine and feminine—it is the sexiest damn thing to behold.

Oh, I agree. She is very fluid with her work, definitely.

You two are the ambassadors of what strap-on sex is. When you both get to work together, you are going to change brain chemistry within the world.

I will say this to the fans. When we get to work together, it will be really special.

I cannot wait to see that. When my girlfriend saw your work, her first reaction was, “Wow!”

Oh, wow. So I have already been in bed with you guys.

April Olsen

Would you like to hear the connection she has to you? She is going to school to be a psychologist.

Naturally. I mean the people that we all are, we naturally gravitate towards both sex and the study of the brain. I was the most sexual and a huge sex nerd the last year I was an undergrad. I did a lot of research on polyamory and consensual sex, stuff like that. I think that all really piqued my interest, because from there, I started dabbling in sex work. I was studying it a lot. It was here that I really started to understand sex and found out how normal that it is. I started to really enjoy it after that. It was after grad school that I really jumped into the field by beginning webcamming.

Now, if I am not mistaken, isn’t this how you began working on the film side of the business? What a tale this is, that your schooling brought your mind first into the porn world.

Yeah, and I will be completely honest with you Don, I would love to tell you my story. I have never really gotten into my story with people.

It is always something tough to put into words, I feel you.

So, it is a lengthy story, and I would love to tell it. Do you have a second? I am sure that you do.

Yes, I do!

So, I can tell that you a crazy, never-before-told story? So, this tale begins in Missouri. I’d just graduated from college. I was now facing a lot of student-loan debt, on top of this massive hospital bill. I had just been to the ER for a sex-related injury. The boyfriend I was dating at the time, we were making love, and I just was not really that into him. Needless to say, my cervix was bruised because of this. I was extremely dry at the moment. My body was telling me to break up with him before my mind even had a clue what to do with the situation. Anyways, because of this, I was now facing this rather large hospital bill. I didn’t have much money, and owed so much money. I was working as a waitress, as a nanny. I was doing everything that I could to try and take care of this debt. That is when I started to do webcamming.

I didn’t have the confidence yet to “hit the pole.” I was a little unsure of myself, a little shy, and I felt a lot more comfortable working in the comfort of my own house, as I paid off this debt that just seemed so insurmountable. Very quickly, one of my fans bought me professional lighting equipment. I got my first taste of the amazing fans in the cam world. The people of the cam world are just very special in general, I might add. They are a great subset of the sex industry. Those fans, they are just diehard. You get to have the most amazing relationships with them, and you never get to see what their face looks like. It is just very surreal.

So, I was webcamming for about three months. I made about ten grand. Yeah, that’s right, ten grand, which was the most money that I had ever made in my life. It was enough for me to save and then move to New York. So, here was my plan once I got to New York. I was going to continue camming and find a sugar daddy. I was on the website Seeking Arrangements—we all know that website—and I was connected with this fella who was a pimp, essentially. He ran an escorting agency, so when he asked, I of course said yes. I decided to put all of my eggs in one basket. I had thought about going back to webcamming, but working for this guy began quickly, and it changed my whole life. My life became all about sex, work, money, and how I could compartmentalize these things to work for me. I said to myself, “I can separate sex and work. Sex for my pleasure, sex for someone else’s pleasure: it’s all the same.” Yes, I know that my views about sex may be pretty laxed comparred to other people’s.

I was also very lucky that I was not in any kind of real dangerous situation. Of course, there were some situations I faced that were a little sketchy. But, I have to tell you, I really loved working with all of my clients. To this day, I still wonder how some of them are doing. I really miss some of them. I had a client, he lived on the Upper West Side. He was an older man, and the sex was just such a small part of what we were doing. He wanted company, to be held, and have someone appreciate him. I think that he just wanted someone to be nice to him. People always acted like an asshole with him because of the line of work that he was in. I thought that what he was asking for was very, very normal.

April Olsen

Oh, yes! I completely agree.

So, I was in fact a hooker in New York City, and I was working with this fella who was my agent/pimp. He took a really huge cut of the money that I made, and that was the first sign that the work that I was doing with him really wasn’t that great. I knew that I was getting taken advantage of. I was still making more money than I ever had in my entire life, but something was just off.

Now, fast forward about a year, and the escorting industry in New York was virtually shut down, as you can imagine with this pandemic. When all of this began, it was such a crazy time. We moved from working in-person with clients, to working online. That is where I started making these videos. We found a niche, and it was found by doing cuckolding and other things. These videos that we were making, they were just blowing up, and all with this little niche. That is where I really started to enjoy using a strap-on, because I was basically fucking my pimp for about a month, and I got really good at my technique. It awoke something in me. It empowered me so deeply. I gained this crazy confidence, and I think that something just happens to you mentally when you are put into the position that I was, and am even to this day. To be able to gain that power when you are with someone who is gaslighting you and just keeping you down by being this overall piece of shit, it is what put me in charge and kept me there.

We then took this trip out to Vegas so that we could both shoot with some other performers, and during that trip, I met Kitty Jaguar. Do you know who she is Don?

Oh, yes. I sure do, April.

She has been around in this industry. When I met her, we had begun sharing this apartment together, and she totally convinced me to do my own thing. She helped me to see that I didn’t need this person in my life, nor my career. She opened my eyes to so much.

Oh my goodness, God bless that wonderful woman.

Damn straight! I think that she was sent from the universe to help me get my life straight and put me on a path to success and happiness. Sometimes in this industry, it’s just you and the people around you, and the people around you don’t always have your best interest in mind. You don’t know what to believe. You have no idea what is “normal,” or what you should expect out of yourself. Kitty told me, “You, as a woman, you have all the power.” She said, “You are the one who has the power on set. Directors do not have the power, it is you as the woman. You have the pussy, they need you!”

Everything that she told me that day, it was true. I learned that I am “the woman” on set, that I do have the power! From that very moment, I stopped working with this guy. I stopped shooting for him, with him. He is still in the industry, a little bit. I don’t think that he’s doing anything big, but… he is still around unfortunately. But that is my story, Don. That’s what brought me here.

Wow, what a great fucking story! That is what the wonder of this industry truly is, and the women who are within it. Thank you for sharing your story, April.

Thank you so much for listening. So much of it happened so quickly. It happened all within a year, and it was something so impactful on my life. I do have this big desire to get it out there in the open and share it with people. Sex work is a viable option for many people out there to live a real good life.

Yes, yes it is.

Sex work changed everything for me. If we break down this stigma, and we let other people know that you can live a really good life with something as simple as being sex positive… When it comes to the work, it is something that can allow some people to have and get things they could nowhere else. This is a very viable option. It can change your world, the same way that it did for me.

April Olsen

I have my first produced video interview with Lacy Lennon coming out in a few weeks. In this interview, she talks about working at the Bunny Ranch and becoming Dennis Hof’s de-virginizer, God rest his soul. She spoke of the connection she made with people, and the warmth that it brought to her heart, life, and soul. That is something very, very special—something that only sex work can bring.

The best part of this story, it was my fiance, who was my boyfriend the entire time. He was always so supportive. He’s never given me any kind of guff for the work that I’ve been doing, at any time, as a hooker. So, now that I am doing porn, it has just become that much better between us. I just feel so lucky.

He loves you, for you. Aww, that is so very special.

Yes, he loves me for me. We are just so bonded, this man and me. We are just kindred spirits who are just so lucky to have met.

You know, as corny as this sounds, I think that all the people in this industry are placed here to create some kind of warmth in this world.

You know, I don’t mind being “corny.” Being corny is mainly about being pure, and there is nothing wrong with making a big deal out of something, or being sentimental.

This is why I cherish the people of this industry so much.

There are so many talented people here. There is so much beauty. You want to know about something that no one talks about in the entertainment world? In what other form of entertainment is there same-day pay? In what other profession do you see that? It doesn’t exist. We are people, in the same business, taking care of each other. It is so awesome.

You know, that is a beautiful irony of this industry. I don’t know if that is the right wording for what I am trying to say. But there are so many beautiful souls in this business that spend absolutely every second of their career trying to take care of and help someone else, and they never get the recognition for that.

Yeah totally, totally! You know, I think that our job sometimes as performers is to have sex with people. So, let’s just try and make it as pleasant as possible. Let’s be kind to everyone, not just the people we are having sex with on set. Bringing a positive energy to set, that is part of our job.

No, it is. It really is. I am a firm believer in this.

You never know what it’s like to just walk up to someone, treat them like they are a human being. Ask them their name, tell them your name, and say that it is nice to meet them. I think that is the positive energy we need more of, and can inspire others with what we do.

Amen sister! You know, I could talk emotion and philosophy forever with you woman, but for that last portion of this interview. I would love to talk about the films that you have taken part in.

Sounds great!

April Olsen

Just like in Mistress Maitland 2, you seem to always be the closing scene in the films that you star in, or you are a part of the highest-rated scene of the bunch. That is no coincidence. I find it so amazing that the directors were smart enough to plug you in at the finale of a film, all to get the biggest bang. It seems to be working every time with you. Now, to throw you a curveball out of left field, I think the scene that should get the most buzz is your scene with Harley Haze for Sweetheart Video. That scene is an epic one.

Oh, wow! Thank you so much! That is Lesbian Analingus 15.

The first thing I said to myself when I watched that scene, and this was even before I got to know Harley, I said to myself, “Damn, there are two women who really fucking love women!”

Yes, yes, and yes. Once again, it’s just another great example of working with someone who is another great soul who is also such an amazing person at the same time. Harley, she is so beautiful. I’m telling you, she is going to be something very special in the industry.

Oh, my God! I think so too.

It was such a cool scene. It was such a great day.

Harley, she is such a beauty. Her lineage is from South America, as well as Trinidad. She is just beyond words. I told her when I first spoke with her, “What are you doing? Trying to make me fall in love? Because that’s what is happening!”

That is so easy to do with her. Go ahead, fall in love.

I don’t always get professionally paid for all of the films that I review. I came across this film because it may just damn well be the best girl/girl film of 2021. The cast is epic. I saw this film, my jaw was on the floor, and I just had to say, “Damn!”

Thank you so much. I like Mike Quasar when it comes to directing. His philosophy is, “Let’s get to it, cut through all the bullshit, and let’s get to work.” Mike Quasar never gives you the feeling that you are being rushed either. You know, he is not overdirecting. He is just letting us do our thang! The grumpiness is just a facade, you have no idea. It is amazing to get to set and just get to work. Beneath it all, he is this sweet, amazing person. It really made that scene come out the way it did.

I love Mike to death, and speaking of people I love. I can not get over that interview with you and Pat Myne for Evil Angel. That was one of the most amazing looks into the real hearts and real passions within this industry. I could have watched you two talk for hours. YA! Young Anal 2 was made that much better with all the work that you put into that scene, and once again, you are the candid finale of the film, even though you are the second scene. You helped to make that film award-worthy! I think that is what got the film its AVN Award.

The film itself is up for an award? Wow, that is cool!

Yes, and I chalk that up to you my dear. The truth is, when fans see that scene, they are going to watch everything else that came before and after it. That is the show that you put on with Ramon Nomar.

Pat has a way of making us feel so comfortable. Ramon, he is amazing. It takes two to tango in this business, and he really helped for the scene to become what it did as well. He is so talented.

I think that you helped to bring out Ramon’s personality with everything that you are my dear. I see it with Pat too.

Oh, I love when he gets into it. He is really something special.

I want to close things out with Mistress Maitland 2. What a film. What a look at fetish. I must know your take on this one.

Well, the first thing I want the fans to know: I feel like I am so lucky to be in the place that I am in. I never want to take advantage of a situation like this in a way that does not make me appreciate roles like this, or that fans that helped to get me here. I never want them to feel like I am ungrateful. That is why I think it is so adamant that we all have a good time, and I really had a good time making this film.

April Olsen

What were your expectations like going into this shoot?

Well, I had done a shoot with Tushy earlier, and it was so amazing. They greet you with the robe and the slippers, and the place that you shoot in downtown LA is just crazy beautiful. I knew in a flash that this is something that I could get used to. With Kayden Kross and Deeper, I was just told that it was going to be a long day, and I do not mind a long day. Mistress Maitland 2, it was just the biggest production that I have ever been a part of. The crew was just huge. I am talking multiple PAs, a ton of sound people. It was just like that everywhere. I mean, there were ten extras. I have never seen that many extras. It was just the biggest thing that I have ever been a part of.

So, the inside story? That day, I had the biggest zit on my face! I was so self-conscious about it, the whole, entire time. I was literally trying to angle myself in ways and hope that people wouldn’t see it. My day was so clouded, because I was just feeling so self-conscious about my face! But, once the scene started, we started getting into everything. I completely forgot about it. The sex, it was just lovely. My philosophy is, I am human, and these things are going to happen sometimes.

Now that is April Olsen. We spent time talking about sexuality. Her take on it, as with everything else in this interview, is very human. She speaks of being freaky in between the sheets, and how our sexuality allows us to see other sides of ourselves. Become comfortable with all that we are. This past January, I truly believed that this woman was going to take home a trophy, but you know what, she did not, and I was upset about that in the beginning. But now, after the dust has settled, I see that the greatest performers of all time did not win Best New Starlet. As a matter of fact, winning it can become a curse. With April Olsen, the fact that she can work with Kayden Kross, Mike Quasar, Pat Myne, and so many others in her young career, and do it well and with a smile, that says that she is on the path of, say, a Tori Black, or dare I say, a Jewel De’Nyle. A woman who will one day change this business, and do it in ways that make people stop and think. She does not create awkward situations, but one thing April Olsen does is give reasons, examples, and methods that have never been spoken of. That is even taboo in the adult world. But that is what great thinkers do, they carve a path in society for others to walk, that we may not understand at the time they are doing their path carving. April Olsen, she is a woman of genius intellect, who will one day show us what a candid finale really is, and I hope that is many, many moons from now.

April Olsen

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