Jada Kai Interviews Kimmy Kimm On HotMovies Instagram

AAPI Heritage Month on HotMovies continued on Friday May 9th when host Jada Kai joined adorable newbie Kimmy Kimm live on the HotMovies Instagram. They connected over growing up athletes, and Kimmy dished on starting her porn career in the middle of quarantine. Check out their fun conversation below, or watch the video on HotMovies’ Instagram!

Kimmy Kimm

JK: Hi. We are live on @HotMoviesOfficial. My name is Jada Kai, your host today. And we’re gonna be talking to Kimmy Kim. I’m really excited because all month long, we’re going to be celebrating Asian-American Pacific Islander performers. And Kimmy, she has quite a few movies on HotMovies. But today, we’re gonna get to know her here, on Instagram. So, let me go get her. I have to invite her in.

KK: Hello.

Oh my God. We’ve been talking on here for quite a while now, huh?


Okay. I’m so excited that you’re here. Thank you for celebrating AAPI month with me on HotMovies.

And thanks for having me!

Of course. So, since it is Asian-American Pacific Islander month, let’s talk about your culture a little bit. Let’s talk about what’s going on in your career, and then we’re gonna go ahead and answer the questions people are gonna throw at us. Everyone that’s watching right now, there’s a little question mark on the bottom, if you don’t know how this works yet, and you can send questions. And at the end, you can just hang out and wait for us to answer them. If they’re good questions. Only if they’re good questions!

Yes. [laughter]

Some of you be asking some crazy questions sometimes. So first I wanna ask you what your nationality is because I was trying to do some research on you, and then it’s like “Kimmy Kim: Asian.”

[laughter] Yeah, I’m used to that.

So what is your nationality?

My dad is full Korean, and my mom is mixed. She’s a mix of Vietnamese, I think Chinese, and White.

That’s so cool, because I don’t know what I’m mixed with either. I’ve never done the ancestry thing, but I should.

Well, me either.

I assumed that you were Korean because your last name was Kim, and I was like, “Wait, that’s not her real name, so maybe she’s not.”

Right, but I liked it, and part of the reason that I picked it out was because it was Korean, and I thought, “Okay, cool. That works.”

For me, I looked up Asian last names, and then I just picked one. What are your favorite traditions, and what’s your favorite part about your culture?

The food: Korean food is incredible, same with Vietnamese food. Oh my God, I will work for food. I love all Asian food.

Same! I was in Korea for a little bit, and it’s actually cheaper to go out to eat than it is to cook. I think it’s because the portions are so big in Korea all the time that you have to be cooking for at least ten people.

Yeah, oh my God. I haven’t left the country, but I definitely want to go to Korea and just chow down on some Korean food.

It’s amazing. What part of your heritage do you think makes you, you?

I grew up very traditionally Korean in my childhood, and there was a really big sense of family, because with Korean culture, the oldest son takes care of the parents in their old age. So, we grew up with my grandparents living with us, and we were really close to them, and they took care of us as well.

That’s so beautiful.

I really loved that and loved having that sense of family.

What part of your heritage makes you who you are the most?

Definitely the family, but… I guess being Korean also brought a sense of community. My dad’s culture, ’cause he was full Korean, it kind of took over. So, when you see another Korean person you think, “Oh, okay. Someone else is here who’s Korean. Awesome, I can do this.”

You grew up in Georgia, right?


Are there a lot of Asians there?

The number one minority in Georgia is Korean.


Yeah, it’s crazy. I guess you would never really expect it. There’s full big Korea towns, and you can find so much stuff there. It’s pretty awesome.

When I was growing up, I was one of three Asians at my school, and they… Listen to this. They called us “The Chang Sisters,” which, now I’m like, “Oh my God. I can’t believe that that was okay back then. [laughter] Were there a lot of Asians were in your school as well?

No, because I didn’t live close to the Korea town, the inner-city part. When I went to school it was actually just me and one other girl. And she had a brother and a sister and then I had my two sisters. And that was it.

I felt so different but now I’m learning how to really embrace my culture which is really cool.

Yeah. I feel like for a while, I was kind of embarrassed and I really just didn’t wanna be Asian at all. I wanted to dye my hair blonde and get blue contacts, but I grew out of that luckily.

Kimmy Kimm

Now it feels so good to embrace our culture and really celebrate, especially this month. I feel like we didn’t celebrate this back in the day. It’s really cool that even HotMovies is doing this for us to celebrate Asian performers.

It’s awesome because I guess I also forget that we’re in the minority, and I guess because when you’re online, you can tailor what you see. So I love following other Asian women, and I’m always seeing Asian women through my feeds, and then I forget that we’re in the minority.

Did you have Asian role models when you were growing up?

No, I feel like I didn’t see many in the mainstream media. And back then, I wasn’t using social media when I was ten or anything. So, I didn’t have any Asian role models growing up. But now, any time I see Awkwafina I’m like, “Oh my God. This is amazing.”

My Vag Is Better Than Yours. Have you heard that song?

Yes! Oh my God. It’s so good.

It’s so good to see more and more Asian performers in mainstream and in sex work, and to be a part of the community and providing representation for younger generations. How about in the industry when you were joining porn? Did you have Asian role models that you were looking up to?

I think that immediately I saw Lulu Chu, and they were just incredible looking. I think I saw Vina Sky in the beginning too, and then I started finding more Asian people and Asian women, and then I saw that there were Asian males in the industry too, like Leo Vice and David Lee.

Do you feel like you get good support from your fans as an Asian performer?

I like to think so. They’re very good about not making me feel like I’m just “pretty for an Asian.” They’re like, “Yeah. You’re pretty. And you’re cool!”

Sometimes before they’d say, “Oh, I don’t really like Asians but I think you’re pretty.” Like, what!?

All the time they say, “Oh, you have a nice butt for an Asian girl.” And I’m like, “What does that mean?” You have a butt!

I mean, why do they have to put that in front of it? [laughter] You started your career during quarantine, right?


That is so amazing. I love how many opportunities there are in sex work now. And the fact that you were able to start in the middle of a pandemic and get your career going, I think is also very inspirational for people that are just even thinking about going in. People think that they can’t do it because they’re Asian. And I thought you had to be a white girl with big boobs, and it’s not that anymore. People are learning to appreciate us and I think that’s really amazing.

Yeah! And of course, I feel like I found you pretty early on. It just showed me that there were more of us Asian girls and that I could actually do this and make this my full-time career, and it’d be really cool.

Yes, I love that! Let’s tap into some of the fan questions. Someone said that you had a first date the other day, is that true?

Oh it was just a social media caption. [laughter] I had lunch or dinner with a photographer and he took a picture of me. So I captioned it, “First date, kind of nervous.”

You have dedicated fans. They’re have to know how it went. Well, how was dinner?

So much fun, oh my God. We got sushi, of course.

Nice, I love sushi. What are your favorite shows right now?

I’ve been watching the Big Mouth spinoff Human Resources, just as light, funny, nothing-too-serious kind of show.

What are your favorite hobbies?

Well, I do yoga sometimes. I’m not super good at being consistent at it, but that just comes from when I used to do gymnastics and dance and cheerleading and stuff like that. I did gymnastics for ten years.

Were your parents really strict with you?

Yeah. [laughter] My dad would have me doing P90X at age ten in the living room, because he had three girls and he really wanted a boy, but I guess because I was the athletic one, he decided, “Okay. You’re my boy.” He was a bodybuilder, so he wanted me to do all the sports stuff.

Kimmy Kimm

Oh wow. We have that in common. I love that. Ten years, that’s like a career.

Right. I know. I started at three, which doesn’t really count, but I did it all way up until I was 13, and then I started getting more into cheerleading and dance and stuff like that.

Was the transition pretty easy for you?

Transitioning into cheerleading was easy. Dance was easy, but not as easy as cheerleading because dance, you don’t have to be so stiff like you have to be in gymnastics. You’re keeping all your muscles very tight in straight lines in gymnastics, but dance is more free.

What kind of dance did you do?

I did hip-hop. I did ballet. I think those are the only two.

Did you have to do those simultaneously too while you were doing gymnastics?

I know when I did ballet, I was doing it with gymnastics as well when I was younger, but once I got older and I quit gymnastics I got into hip-hop classes, and I thought hip-hop was so much fun.

Do you feel like that helps with performing?

For sure, even though I don’t really work out, I still have leg muscles that help me immensely from back then.

That’s so funny. Before I shoot, sometimes I feel like I get butterflies.

Me too.

And then it totally reminds me of the days I used to compete, and then I get in a weird competitive-performer mode.

It’s also like you want every time to be your best, because that’s what they drilled into your head when you were an athlete. It’s your one shot, your one chance so it has to be the best you can.

And then I realize, “Oh, I’m just having sex.”

Yesterday I was delivering lines and I messed up on a lot of my dialogue. I had to ask for them to feed me the line. And after that, I was so disappointed in myself. And then I realized, “Actually, it’s porn. I’m okay. I’m alright.” [chuckle]

Even for this I was thinking, “Oh my god. I’m gonna be interviewing Kimmy Kim and we haven’t met yet.” So I had butterflies in my stomach.

I was like, “My gosh she’s pretty, I have to be pretty.” [laughter]

Stop! I did my hair earlier and then I got in front of the phone screen. So I just did my hair here since that’s what it’s gonna look like.

Same. You have really long hair too.

Yes. I cut it like maybe three times a year.

God, I haven’t cut mine in almost two years now, but when I started in the industry, it was up to here.

Stop. Really?

During the pandemic, right before I started, I went to my bathroom at 4:00 AM and had kitchen scissors, and I was sick of it.

That is such a quarantine move.

I’m grateful that it grew out, for sure.

Kimmy Kimm

That takes such bravery.

I think it was more that I didn’t care. Before the industry, I was just working in a restaurant and I saw customers every day, but it wasn’t long-term interactions. It wasn’t like I really cared. So I thought, “Whatever, it doesn’t matter what I look like. I’m a waitress.”

Some of the audience questions are so deep. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? And what are your goals?

In the next few years, I hope I’m still doing this, as long as you guys still like me. And, for goals, I definitely wanna do a feature, one of those where it’s a really big production, like a movie-movie.

You can totally do that.

That would be so much fun. I think the lines and acting part of it is not something that I ever thought about before joining. So now I’m really learning how to do it and figuring out how to remember this stuff. I think that’s a lot of fun.

What are some of your favorite roles to play in porn?

I like being the little one. I love the step-daughter kind of thing.


Yeah, that kind of roleplay. I think it’s fun and lighthearted and obviously this person is not my stepdad, so…

I love doing roleplays like that, and you’re good at it. It’s fun to just pretend and be this person today. How tall are you?

I stand five foot, but I’m almost truly there.

Do they always make you play innocent girl roles?

No. I had a scene where I was the wife and we were arguing, and that for me was hard because I don’t know how to argue, especially with someone I just met.

I can totally relate because I had a scene like that where I had to argue with my male performer and it’s someone that has been in the industry for quite a while. And I don’t wanna yell at this stranger before I do him!

He did such a great job of keeping me focused because I was also very in my head because we were ad-libbing. He would kind of lead me to have an answer.

Do you prefer to have a script or no script? Do you prefer to ad-lib?

I really love ad-libbing if I have enough time to think about it.

Yeah, sometimes you get caught up thinking about what you should have said. I don’t know if you do that, but I do that all the time where I think, “Man, I would’ve been so much cooler if I said something else.”

Right, I do that to myself. I was just saying that I dwell on it like day before, way too much, but I think it’s because of the athlete thing.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. We’re constantly going into depth critiquing ourselves, being perfectionists. Are you doing events this year?

I think I am doing some of the Exxxoticas. I’m not too sure yet.

Yeah. I’m not sure either. I’ll probably decide to go to one of ’em. I did Denver, and it was really fun. We could hang out if we go.

Oh, yes! Oh, that would be so awesome!

Kimmy Kimm

Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want to have dinner with as a guest?

Actually, I really love reggae music.

I love reggae. I’m a big stoner, so, of course.

If it was dead or alive, of course it would be Bob Marley. It would be really cool to just sit and talk to him.

And smoke with him.

I’m the type of person that gets too paranoid, so… [laughter]

Alright, let’s take one more fan question. You don’t have to answer this one if you don’t want to, but someone asked, “What do your family and friends think of you doing porn?”

My mom’s side and my siblings, they’re very, very supportive of me. I’m super lucky that I have them really close to me. My friends sometimes will make fun of me, but in a loving way. I messaged one of my friends on Instagram recently that I haven’t talked to in a while and he was like, “Oh my god, a celebrity DMed me.” [laughter]

Like, stop. I’m the same person.

Right, I’m like, “You guys are so stupid.” [laughter]

But that’s cool. You’re a little like a small-town hero now.

Oh my gosh, well people always ask, “Do you ever get recognized?” because I do live in a small town in North Georgia. And I don’t. Maybe ’cause I don’t leave my house enough to get recognized when I’m home, and also when I’m home I’m not wearing makeup, I’m not going out in full glam, so I don’t look like myself.

You’re not your alter ego. I feel like people might recognize you and not say anything because they’re embarrassed.

That could be. Or they think they know me from somewhere, and they don’t realize it and I tell them, “You know, maybe I just have one of those faces.”

Do you think about telling them and then hold yourself back?

When I’m in Ubers, I’m constantly contemplating it when they ask, “So what do you do? Where are you going?” I always think, “Hmm, I’m never gonna see this guy again. Should I say it?” And I won’t.

I always say it if I know that I don’t have to give them my credit card or if I know that my real name isn’t going to be in that interaction. Do you have a fake job?

I always just say that I do social media.

What exciting things do you have coming up? You said you might do some events, are you excited for some projects, some scenes coming out?

I’ve been working on a lot of scenes so I know they will come out soon and will be really fun. I’m excited for my first AVN this coming year. That’ll be a lot of fun because I’m just now getting to go to the award shows, because they were all shut down during the pandemic. I did New Jersey Exxxotica last year, and I was at the Miami show.

Do you like meeting your fans?

Yeah, it’s so much fun and sometimes they’ll just sit up in the booth with me and chill.

Aww, that’s so nice. Yeah, you’re a chill person so I’m sure that they love you and love hanging out with you. Do you want to share any of your social media for our fans here at HotMovies?

Yeah, of course. Here on Instagram, I’m @onlykimmykimm and on Twitter, the same, just with an underscore in between each word.

Kimmy Kimm

So everyone, make sure you follow her. Thank you for asking all of your questions today. Thank you, Kimmy, for hanging out with me and celebrating Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. There’s no way to say that without getting out of breath. I’ve been practicing and I’m like, “I’m just gonna be out of breath the whole time.” But thank you for celebrating with us! I’m so glad that you got to share some of your culture and share some things about yourself today and all of you guys find her on HotMovies.com. Thank you, Kimmy.

Watch Kimmy Kimm on HotMovies!

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