There’s little Carmen Valentina loves more than a chance to show her creative side. It’s tempting to regard porn as simply a salacious peek at our most carnal habits, but Valentina knows it can be much more than that. In this new HotMovies pornstar interview, the AVN Fan Award nominee for Sexiest MILF discusses creativity, her early days in porn, threesomes, her conservative upbringing, and much more.
HotMovies: How and when did you get started performing on camera?
Carmen Valentina: Once upon a time, long long ago in 2009 I stumbled across an adult modeling ad on Craigslist while looking for a summer job in between college semesters. As I was surfing the site, I clicked to see what jobs were available in the adult section of the website (since I found “normal” jobs in this section before) then I miraculously fell onto this job posting for adult solo modeling. I was a bit curious, so I inquired with the company. After reading the details, I was all in! The day of the shoot, I arrived 30 minutes early, stalking the house of the address they had given me. I was so nervous, with sweaty palms, thinking to myself if I would be able to do this, and after a while i forced myself out of the car and knocked on their door with my shaking hand. Once inside, I was welcomed by a super friendly crew, and I began to shoot solo pics and a few solo masturbation videos, and when I started taking off my clothes, I couldn’t turn back because I loved it, and that was the beginning of my career in the adult industry.
How did you know it was what you wanted to do?
I kind of always had an inkling to do adult work since high school, but I didn’t have the guts to do it until I was a broke college girl looking for money to save up for the next school year. After my first exhilarating shoot, I kept going onto Craigslist (which I would NOT recommend to do in today’s age) and self-booked my own shoots. I was even lucky enough to get into Hustler Magazine through craigslist, but on the downside, I also met a bunch of shady people there, but that’s a story for another day.
You had a great all-girl threesome scene last year with Alex Coal and Kylie Le Beau. What was it like filming with those two?
They were both amazing, and both were some of the sweetest people out there. That was the first time I met both of them, and it was easy to talk to them like a bunch of friends whom I haven’t seen in years. Plus, getting to have a threesome with both those hot ladies was icing on the cake!
Are there types of scenes you prefer to shoot over others at this point?
I love shooting scenes that let you act or get creative with the character, rather than straight sex. I know it sounds dumb to want to act in a creative way for porn, but it makes the day so much more fun and it flies by, and occasionally shooting just straight gonzo porn can get boring (now don’t think I’m complaining- — I do love fucking hot people) but I love shooting the dialogue and acting out the stories before the scene, I feel it also helps connect you more with your scene partner and the crew in a more intimate friendly fun way.
Do you still find the same joy in performing that you did when you started your career? Do you view the industry differently than you did back then?
I actually do, and the way I think I managed to do that is that I try my best to not get burnt out. I don’t put all my eggs in one basket… I’ll shoot porn, but I’ll also shoot fetish, and I am able to say no to things I don’t like doing and have an amazing agent as well who doesn’t pressure me to do something that I don’t want to do either, while also giving myself free time to have days where it’s okay to be a lazy fat couch potato and other days where I can zone out on my hobbies of painting and yoga. I believe that everything should be done in moderation, it helps me not stress too much from day to day.
What does the term “MILF” mean to you?
When I think back on the term, all I can picture is the movie, American Pie, where the term gained its popularity, but it does have a deeper meaning than just being a term from a comedy. MILF to me gives me hope that aging is not a career killer, that being older and mature is not negative like the mainstream tabloids always portrays it to be. Porn gives being a MILF a positive view to multiple generations that its okay to like an older woman, that it’s okay to age because age definitely doesn’t discriminate, and that there’s nothing wrong with that, it is desirable!
You tweeted that you grew up Lutheran and your parents were strict with regards to sexuality. What kind of influence did that have on you?
Well, I grew up in two very religious households. My parents were divorced, and my mother was a conservative Christian orthodox, while my dad was a Lutheran. It was annoying to never be able to ask them anything when it came to sex, because even if I asked a simple question I would get berated on why I was thinking about it, and if I was being a promiscuous slut. When I was confirmed Lutheran at 14, my dad gave me a present of a large wooden circular block meant to look like a birth control pill to put between my knees….i was a bit annoyed cause my older brothers didn’t receive anything like this when they were confirmed. Eventually when I got older, I realized organized religion was BS with all the dumb man made rules they would come up with to control the public with out of fear, and so I became more open to experiencing things that weren’t as bad as they would proclaim, and I became more open minded to many things outside organized religion, where they want to keep you in a tiny cage. My parents trying to control me only made me rebel more.
Do you think there is space for organized religion with a sexually free/enlightened person or do you think those contradict one another?
I think you can still be Christian without organized religion trying to manipulate you in how to think. You don’t need to go to church to read a bible or pray. You don’t need a church to tell you how to believe, or how to be a good person. There’s tons of atheists and agnostics out there working soup kitchens, volunteering at charities and are some of the kindest humans out there. To me Organize religion is just one big greedy corporation, who need more followers to make their tithe money so they can buy more private jets or billboards or give to politicians. To me that’s not true religion. If churches actually did help all people with their tithe money, child hunger wouldn’t exist….but it still does.
Do you have any on-set pet peeves?
Hmmmm . . . I don’t have many pet peeves, I’m pretty much chill when it comes to other people, but I guess I’m not a fan of co stars just constantly bragging about themselves, it seems a bit narcissistic, and I don’t like it when guys talk too much during a sex scene, unless the scene calls for it or relates to the scene like a fighting sex scene, because I’ve seen way too many comments from fans who hate hearing the male talent talk too much during sex.
What do you like to do to unwind at the end of the day?
I’m easy, I just want to lay on the couch and ignore all social media and just watch tv and chill with my cats and talk to NO ONE.
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